a real-valued random variable X with density f (with respect to the standard measure on the real line), and
another random variable Y which is defined as a deterministic function X, denoted y(x).
Assume that y is a monotonic invertible function, so the inverse function x(y) is also well-defined.1
1 Let’s also assume it is monotonically increasing for now. We’ll see we can drop that assumption later, and allow monotonically decreasing functions too.
Question: what is the pdf of Y?
First note: by definition, \Pr(a\le X\le b) = \int_a^b f(x)\dee{x}.
Given our assumptions about the function y, we have that a\le X\le b\implies y(a)\le Y\le y(b).
2 Recall, this follows simply from the chain rule, where the CDF F is the antiderivative of f:
So the pdf of Y is f(x(y)) \frac{\dee{x}(y)}{\dee{y}}.
If y is monotonically decreasing, then we have to switch the limits on the integral, but we also get a negative sign in the derivative (see this math.SE answer). Thus, we can say in general
\text{The pdf of $Y$ is }g(y) \coloneqq f(x(y)) \left|\frac{\dee{x}(y)}{\dee{y}}\right|
The above explanation can be found in multiple sources, but for me to get a better understanding, it helped to look at some examples, and plot them. A key insight here can be gotten by thinking about what happens to some interval in the domain of f. Integrating the density f over this interval will give the same result as integrating the transformed density g over whatever the image of the interval is, under the transformation.
This intuition is helpful to play with when relating this perspective on random variables to a measure theoretic one that uses the concept of pushforwards.
2 Examples
Some examples with pictures helped me understand what this means. Here’s a first example:
let X be a random variable with density f(x) = \frac2\pi\sqrt{1-x^2} (restricted to -1 \le x \le 1).
and let Y be the random variable defined by y(x) = \arcsin x, which is monotonically increasing.
Then x = \sin y and \frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = \cos y, so the density of Y is
g(y) = f(x(y))\frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = \frac2\pi\sqrt{1-\sin^2}\cos y = \frac2\pi\cos^2y
plot_transform_pdf( f = x ->2/pi*sqrt(1-x^2), y = x ->asin(x), g = y ->2/pi*cos(y)^2, xlim = (-1, 1), demo_range = (0.7, 0.9), resolution =100)
upper left: {\color{red}f(x)}, the pdf of X
lower left: the invertible mapping between x and y
lower right: {\color{blue}g(y)}, the pdf of Y (plotted with y on the vertical axis and density g(y) on the horizontal axis, so the axes line up).
The green lines shade an example area under the curve to show how probability of an event is preserved (area is preserved under this transform), and how this region is transformed between x and y.
The following are some more examples (taken from here).
let X have pdf f(x) = 2 x \cos{x^2} for 0\le x \le \sqrt{\pi/2} (and 0 elsewhere)
let Y be defined as y(x) = x^2, which is monotonically increasing in the range.
Then x=\sqrt{y}, and \frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = \frac1{2\sqrt{y}}, so the density of Y is
g(y) = f(x(y))\frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = 2 \sqrt y \cos y\frac1{2\sqrt y} = \cos y
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plot_transform_pdf( f = x ->2x *cos(x^2), y = x -> x^2, g = y ->cos(y), xlim = (0, √(π/2)))
let X have pdf f(x) = x/2 for 0\le x \le 2 (and 0 elsewhere)
let Y be defined as y(x) = 1-\sqrt{4-x^2}/2 (again, monotonically increasing).
Then x=2\sqrt{y(2-y)}, and \frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = \frac{2(1-y)}{\sqrt{y(2-y)}}, so the density of Y is
plot_transform_pdf( f = x -> x/2, y = x ->1-√(4-x^2)/2, g = y ->2(1-y), xlim = (0, 2), demo_range = (√3/2, 1), # a range that gives 1/4 of total area resolution =200# up the resolution (denser lines in visualization) )
Transforming a Uniform distribution to an Exponential distribution
let X\sim \operatorname{Uniform}(0,1)
let Y be defined as y(x) = -\frac1\lambda\log(x), for some \lambda > 0. This is monotonically decreasing.
Then x=e^{-\lambda y}, and \frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = -\lambda e^{-\lambda y},3 so the density of Y is
3 This derivative is negative over the entire range.
λ =2# set the scale parameter to 2, arbitrarilyplot_transform_pdf( f = x ->1, y = x ->-log(x)/λ, g = y ->λ*exp(-λ*y), xlim = (0, 1), plotlims = (0, 2.1), # set manually, since goes to infinity demo_range = (0.1, 0.5), resolution=150 )
Transforming into a Uniform distribution
let X be a random variable with pdf f(x) = 2x for 0\le x \le 1, and 0 otherwise.
let Y be defined as y(x) = x^2, as in example 1 above, so x=\sqrt{y}, and \frac{\dee x(y)}{\dee y} = \frac1{2\sqrt{y}}.
4 Verify that the range of y is [y(0),y(1)]= [0,1]).
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plot_transform_pdf( f = x ->2x, y = x -> x^2, g = y ->1, xlim = (0, 1), demo_range = (0.15, 0.3))
Transforming a Uniform distribution into a Normal distribution
let X\sim \operatorname{Uniform}(0,1), which has pdf f(x)=1 for 0\le x \le 1 and 0 elsewhere.
let Y\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1), which has pdf g(y) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac12y^2}
In this case, we know g(y), but we want to find a function y(x) that will transform X into Y. This means we need to solve the differential equation (since f(x(y)) = 1):
This is intractable analytically, but what we need is Y’s inverse CDF.
We can use y(x) = quantile(Normal(0,1), x) from Distributions.jl.
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usingDistributionsplot_transform_pdf( f = x ->1, y = x ->quantile(Normal(0,1), x), g = y ->exp(-y^2/2)/sqrt(2π),# = pdf(Normal(0,1),y), xlim = (0, 1), plotlims=(-2, 2), demo_range=(0.5, 0.75)# 1/4 of the total area)
We can also revisit example 3 above, and write it the same way (though we need the inverse CDF of 1-x… it’s equivalent.)
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X =Uniform(0, 1)Y =Exponential(1/2)plot_transform_pdf( f = x ->pdf(X, x), y = x ->quantile(Y, 1-x), g = y ->pdf(Y, y), xlim = (0, 1), plotlims = (0,2.1), # set manually, since goes to infinity demo_range = (0.1, 0.5))