\[\global\def\colorKL{\color{4fa283}} \global\def\colorR{\color{ec8c62}} \global\def\R{\colorR\mathrm{R}}\]

Consider any setting where a distribution over some latent variable \(Z\) changes when conditioning on some outcome \(\breve u\) of an observable random variable. The change can be quantified as KL divergence, \(\operatorname{\colorKL KL}(p_{Z\mid \breve u}\|p_{Z})\). This divergence can be decomposed into surprisal of \(\breve u\) minus another term, which I’ll call \(\R\):

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{\colorKL KL}(p_{Z\mid \breve u}\|p_{Z}) && = && -\log p(\breve u) && - && \mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{p_{Z\mid \breve u}}[-\log p(\breve u\mid z)]\\ \operatorname{\colorKL KL}(\operatorname{posterior}\|\operatorname{prior}) && = && \operatorname{surprisal} && - && \underbrace{\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{\operatorname{posterior}}[-\log \operatorname{lik}]}_{\operatorname{\colorR R}} \end{aligned}\]

Since KL is nonnegative, R can take on values between 0 and the surprisal. Put another way, this implies that surprisal upper-bounds the amount by which the distribution changes. Note that if surprisal is large and R is also large, KL is small—that is, despite the observation containing a large amount of information, it does not result in a large change in the distribution.

Interactive illustration

Manipulate prior and likelihood sliders below to see posterior and resulting surprisal partition: